Why Power-Up?

Imagine a world where you are unstoppable!

Imagine having access to all your available resources and the skill to create anything you wanted. Imagine yourself in perfect alignment with your goals, your life vision, even your dreams. What if your mind was constantly set to empower you along the way?  What if you had the motivation and inspiration to pursue what it was you wanted in the world without fear or guilt? What if you could do it with compassion, grace, kindness and love?

In fact, what if getting what you wanted in the world required those things??  At Power-Up we know that generating the pure energy we need to achieve what we want is only available from the inside. At Power-Up we know that inside each of us is a power-pack of limitless energy and potential.

The energy state that you occupy and orchestrate your life from controls and influences the fundamental quality of your life. When you gain the courage to go inside and access your 'Powered-Up' energy state, what you can unleash on the outside world is a beautiful sight to behold!

Who is it for?

Improve the quality of relationships, raise individual and team performance, significantly enhance communication, and increase levels of confidence. The Power-Up Programme is designed to move participants from: -

  • Self-doubt to self-belief
  • Feeling stuck to being free
  • Procrastination to action
  • Anxious to accepting
  • Resistant to resourceful
  • Exhausted to energised
  • Fearful to fearless

The 'Power-Up' Energy States

Power Off

Exhausted of ideas. Running on empty. Power-LESS

Power Save

Operating, but at a fraction of your full capacity.


Fully charged. Fully resourced. Fully alive. Power-FULL

What level are you operating at?

 So, how much energy do you currently have available? What's draining your energy? Are you self-charging or self depleting?

We created Power-Up in the knowledge that energy is the source of everything and anything that you want to achieve.  Energy equals power. 

When we move away from habitual stress reactions of fight or flight toward creative, resourceful, flow states, we increase both the quantity and quality of the energy that is available to us.

Mobile power-up programme phone out of power

Running on empty...

When you wake up in the morning after a good night's sleep, why do you still feel tired? Have you ever felt that you seem to be just going through the motions: same problems, different day? Or feel that life is something that is just happening to you instead of something that you are leading?


girl asleep on window ledge at work on power-up programme

Energy is everywhere

Today it is widely accepted that there is only energy; that energy makes up the entire universe. Our incredible planet and every one of us is made up of a multitude of atoms, and at the very core of each of those atoms lies a potent source of energy.

To get a sense of just how powerfully this scales up,  there are around 50 trillion cells in your body each transmitting about 1.4 volts of energy. Overall then you have a whopping 700 trillion volts of power at your disposal. It's so immense that it can even be measured outside the body.

Your own, personal power resource is always available to you and it is our utmost priority to reconnect you with it.

Power-Up's mission is to empower you to unleash your untapped energy at every step of the way. Your transformation awaits you.

energy core pulse

Connecting with your core supply

We want to make the world a more progressive place and a key part of that is to enable you to realise and release your true potential. By accessing your core power and becoming more aware of the powerfully constructive energy that is in abundance in and around you, you can find more purpose and fulfillment in your life.

What are you waiting for?
'Power-up' your core

girkicking the sun power-up programme